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Tēnā Koutou Katoa
Glendowie College is an outstanding high school for Year 9 to 13 students. It is highly sought after by families living locally and further afield. Our vision is to be ‘a community empowering ākonga to experience success, ready to embrace the future.’ To meet this vision we offer amazing educational and co-curricular opportunities within a strong pastoral support structure.
The college’s four values of Whānau, Manaaki, Hiranga and Kaha are central to our college. Whānau or ‘We are family’ promotes that sense of community. We work together building healthy relationships in a safe environment for everyone’s best interests. Manaaki or ‘We encourage mana through respect and caring’ is being proud of who we are, supporting the mana of others and diversity through respect for ourselves, others and the school environment. Hiranga or ‘We strive for excellence’ is striving to be the best we can be. For students that is working hard to meet success in all aspects of their lives – academic, co-curricular, service, social interactions. For the college it is having quality learning programmes, teachers, and support staff to meet the academic and pastoral needs of our students. Kaha or ‘We stay strong’ supports our students to become resilient, determined and having a growth mindset. The enRICH wellbeing programme and pastoral structure are in place to support this.
The college provides quality, responsive learning programmes. Our exceptional NCEA pass rates with many of our students gaining Merit and Excellence endorsements is testiment to the knowledge we have of our students, understanding how they learn and the support structures we have in place.
At years 9 and 10 we offer the International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme. The MYP is a framework of learning that encourages students to become creative, critical and reflective thinkers within a robust learning framework. The Year 11 Pathway programme is an extension from MYP, further developing the attributes, skills and knowledge gained in preparation for NCEA levels 2 and 3 in Years 12 and 13.
Our focus on a holistic education means we value extra-curricular activities highly. Students can participate in a wide range of sports, the performing arts, clubs and service opportunities to develop their interests, leadership and teamwork.
Glendowie College is committed to being a community that does empower its young adults to experience success with them being ready to embrace their future.
Ngā mihi nui
Gordon Robertson