Cellphone-Free Policy


Glendowie College introduced a cellphone-free policy in Term Four 2019 for junior students and for the whole school from the start of Term One 2020.  The reason for this is while cellphones have many positive uses there are also negative effects of over or inappropriate use.

The college has found that as a result of being cellphone free during the school day students are more engaged in their learning and more physically and socially active at break times.  It also gives students time and space from their cellphones as they are not as preoccupied with them.

The college is maintaining its cellphone-free policy.  Students are able to have a cellphone in their bag, but may not use it at school (in or out of class) between 8.00am and 3.20pm.

If a student does not comply with this policy and has the phone confiscated then it is returned to the student by the Deputy Principal in charge of the student’s house at the end of the day.  If there are subsequent confiscations then the student may receive detentions, parents are informed and the length of time the phone is confiscated for increases.  If there is an ongoing persistent problem then it may be considered as continual disobedience.

As a college we would prefer to work with students and parents in a positive collaborative manner rather than having punitive measures in place.  However, to maintain a cellphone-free environment clear consequences are needed to ensure that students will comply.  Being cellphone-free during the school day has been proved through research to have a positive effect on learning and student wellbeing.  Parental support in this matter is greatly appreciated.

If parents need to contact their children during the day they can either email them using the student’s school email address or leave a message at either Reception or Student Services that will be delivered to the student.

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