The Board is the Crown entity responsible for the governance and the control of the management of the school. The Board is the employer of all staff in the school, is responsible for setting the school's strategic direction in consultation with parents, staff and students, and ensuring that its school provides a safe environment and quality education for all its students. The Board is also responsible for overseeing the management of personnel, curriculum, property, finance and administration.
The structure of the Glendowie College Board is as follows:
The Board normally meet eight times per year, and also operate a 'Finance and Property' sub-committee. Parents and other members of the community are welcome and encouraged to attend the Board meetings as observers.
Further information on the role of the Board can be found here:
Glendowie College's Board Election Information leaflet may be downloaded here.
Click here to contact the Board via email.
August Meeting : Wednesday 21 August 2024
Dear Glendowie College community,
The Board met on Wednesday 21 August and a presentation was provided by Mr Jonathan Eley, Faculty Leader Mathematics. We were all very impressed with his passion for Maths and all the resources he and the team have created for our students. He says that everyone can do Maths, we must maintain a growth mindset and to believe in ourselves. Mistakes and challenges are the best time for our brains to learn, so don’t be afraid and give it a go. That same evening, the Passing Exams Seminar by Patrick Sherratt was also held, and was well attended in the hall.
I am constantly amazed at how much is happening in school, not just the learning, but the trips, the language week recognition for Cook Islands and Tonga during August, extra-curricular events and my personal favourite – the Dance Showcase (last night and tonight Friday 30 August) from 7pm. Gold coin entry, make sure you go along.
We would also like to acknowledge the staff achieving long service milestones. We appreciate their hard work and continued enthusiasm in guiding our students through their college years.
Here’s a reminder that the school donation is greatly appreciated and goes towards providing all the amazing opportunities that makes GDC the best college for our students. Please make a payment via the Parent/Student portal on the college website. Remember your donation is tax deductible.
Our amazing Alumni are also fundraising for the betterment of the school grounds (which haven’t changed in some areas for 40 years), so if you know anyone who is an alumnus, they may DONATE via the College website or contact to find out how they can contribute.
We are nearly at the end of Term 3, our students and teachers will be looking forward to a well-earned break before the craziness of Term 4 and end of year celebrations, so let’s get there safely and be kind to each other.
Ngā mihi nui,
Belinda SutherlandPresiding Member