The Board 

The Board is the Crown entity responsible for the governance and the control of the management of the school.  The Board is the employer of all staff in the school, is responsible for setting the school's strategic direction in consultation with parents, staff and students, and ensuring that its school provides a safe environment and quality education for all its students.  The Board is also responsible for overseeing the management of personnel, curriculum, property, finance and administration.

The structure of the Glendowie College Board is as follows:

  • Five Parent Elected Members
  • The Principal
  • One Staff Elected Member
  • One Student Elected Member (Annual election)
  • Co-opted Members (currently none)

The Board normally meet eight times per year, and also operate a 'Finance and Property' sub-committee.  Parents and other members of the community are welcome and encouraged to attend the Board meetings as observers.

Further information on the role of the Board can be found here:

Glendowie College's Board Election Information leaflet may be downloaded here

Click here to contact the Board via email.


Latest News

June Meeting : Wednesday 26 June 2024

Dear Glendowie College community,

The Board met on Wednesday 26 June, and we enjoyed Jeelie Christopher’s presentation about what’s happening in the Technology Department. It is a faculty within the college that continues to grow and is finding new ways to support the many aspects that it offers.

It is hard to believe that we are now halfway through 2024. It has been a busy term with so much going on.

The Parents’ Association Quiz Night on Saturday 22 June was well attended, and the costumes and team names were great. It was an impressive evening with the generously donated raffle items and raised $3,500. Thank you to the Parents’ Association. Also, the Culture Night was sold out and an array of colour, song and entertainment filled the hall. Congratulations to all the performers and a huge thank you to the organisers and sponsors. The Annual Music Gala Concert on Wednesday evening was also an amazing showcase of our talented students.

Another great way to stay connected to GDC is via the social networks. On Instagram, there’s GDC Sport, Arts, Rowing, First XI Football, and Senior A Basketball to name a few. On Facebook, there’s the Glendowie College Alumni page. In addition, the college website holds a wealth of information and a quick link to the Parent and Student Portal, for you to continue paying your school donation, which is greatly appreciated.

After we get back from the holidays, the annual GDC Open Day is Saturday 27 July from 9am-12pm, with presentations by Mr Robertson (Principal) and school tours led by our senior students, so if you have neighbours and friends thinking ahead to college for 2025, send them our way.

Finally, wishing you all safe and fun holidays whether it is travelling around or online. If you need some guidance on how to keep your teen safe online, checkout on


Ngā mihi nui,

Belinda Sutherland
Presiding Member


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