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The Entertainment Memberships are here!

Please click here to support Glendowie College again this year with the purchase of your Entertainment Membership.


Glendowie College Parents' Association
Email: GDCparents@gmail.com 
Address: 21 Crossfield Rd, Glendowie, Auckland 1071

Giving parents the tools to keep our teens safe online.

Senior Constable Gordon Campbell (School Community Officer) will be sharing information and advice for parents to help their teens navigate the digital world:

  • Cyber safety
  • Cyber bullying
  • Digital communication
  • Laws around digital information.

This event is open to any parents and caregivers in our community (not just to Glendowie College).
It is a free event but you have the opportunity to add a donation to the Parents Association fundraising efforts for a new school van.

Drinks available to purchase on the night.

Go to https://www.trybooking.com/nz/12451 to make your booking.

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