Glendowie College Uniform


At Glendowie College we are proud of our uniform and expect students to wear it correctly, without non-regulation clothing or jewellery, during school hours and in the community.

The school uniform, excluding shoes and bags, must be bought from the Uniform Shop located on school grounds through gate 3.  Opening hours and a list of prices are listed in the 'Uniform Shop' tab below.

For more detailed information about the college uniform, click on the relevant tab below.


Uniform Shop

The Uniform Shop (old house) can be entered on the right of Gate 3.  Entrance is down the driveway and around the back of the house. 
The Uniform Shop is open at the following times:


Normal Hours

Through the school year the Uniform Shop is open every school week at the following times:

  • Tuesday   ... 8am – 9am  and  12.30pm – 2.30pm
  • Thursday   ... 12.30pm – 2.30pm
  • First Saturday of each month  ... 9am – 11am  (except on long weekends or in the school holidays)

The Uniform Shop is closed through the mid-term holidays.


Price List

Please click here for the latest order form. 

Please note that any purchases for uniforms must be paid for through the Uniform Shop and not your school account.


Shoe Stockists

Please click here for information on stores stocking regulation Glendowie College footwear.



Uniform Shop Manager
Ms Sandra Micallef

School Line: 5759128 ext 142



Uniform Requirements


Personal Grooming

  • Hair

    Hair is to be clean, tidy and controlled, of acceptable length, style and a natural hair colour.

    All students with hair below collar length are required to have it tied back when involved in activities with health and safety requirements.  The hair style will not be unusual and should be appropriate to a school which has a uniform.  Braided hair must be tied back and any beads must be the same colour as the hair.

  • Beards and Moustaches
    Students must be clean-shaven. Moustaches, shadow beards or beards are not permitted.  Exceptions for spiritual or cultural reasons may be granted provided that the student provides a letter from a religious leader and the Dean issues an exemption pass.
  • Hair Bands and Headbands
    Hair bands and Headbands must be black or dark navy blue.  No bandannas are permitted.
  • Jewellery
    One small stud or sleeper in each ear.  No nose or other face piercings. A necklace of spiritual or cultural significance must be worn on a chain long enough so as not to be visible.  Exceptions for spiritual or cultural reasons may be granted provided that the student provides a letter from a religious leader and the Dean issues an exemption pass.
  • Nails
    Clear nail polish only.   


School Bags

Students of all year levels may choose their own school bag but bags must be free from tagging.


Property Identification

All clothing, books, bags and other property should be clearly marked with the student’s name, to reduce the chance of theft and for ease of identification. Items not needed for a day’s work at school should not be brought to school.


Uniform Requirements

Years 9 to 12


All students may choose any options appropriate to their year level.

  • Blouse
    Regulation short or long-sleeved poly/cotton check blouse to be worn out (unless worn under a jersey).                       
  • Jersey
    Regulation navy with teal wool, machine washable V-necked with college monogram. Jerseys must be worn correctly and not around the waist or shoulders.                 
  • Shirt
    Regulation short or long-sleeved poly/cotton check to be worn out (unless under a jersey).              
  • Blazer
    Regulation teal college blazer. This is an optional item and must be worn as part of the dress uniform for any student when representing the College at an official event or function. This can be hired from the Uniform Shop.
  • School Jacket
    Regulation navy with teal shower-proof jacket with college monogram or regulation softshell shower-proof jacket.        
  • Scarves
    Only regulation navy with teal scarf.                      
  • Headwear
    Either regulation navy cap with Glendowie College monogram or regulation navy bucket hat with Glendowie College monogram. Caps/hats must not be worn inside the classroom, or assembly hall. Caps must be worn with peak forward. No other coloured cap/hat is permitted. Plain black headscarves may be worn for religious reasons with permission from the Deputy Principal.  Regulation beanie.


Either uniform skirts or shorts or long pants or lavalava may be worn.

  • Skirts
    Regulation plain poly/wool navy skirt, ready-made pleated style, the length is no shorter than the top of the knee.                      
  • Long Skirt
    Optional regulation poly/wool long straight navy skirt.
  • Shorts
    Regulation poly/cotton drill of an acceptable length.                       
  • Long Pants
    Regulation poly/wool navy pants. Leg length to be worn above the heel of shoe.              
  • Lavalava
    Regulation poly/cotton lavalava with college monogram.               
  • Belt
    Regulation black leather with plain buckle.                             
  • Socks
    Only regulation Columbine ankle length navy cotton blend without coloured bands with the skirts. Regulation Columbine navy wool/nylon blend with teal band at top to be worn with shorts.       
  • Stockings
    Black opaque or flesh-coloured stockings only to be worn with the regulation skirt, long skirt or long pants. Socks are not to be worn with stockings.                 
  • Footwear
    Regulation footwear as listed officially stocked by Hannahs, the Warehouse and The Athlete’s Foot. Shoes must be formal, black, leather, sturdy, lace-up, polishable shoes. No slip-ons, sports shoes, Chuck Taylors, canvas shoes or flats are to be worn.  Nike Air Force 1 FE shoes are not acceptable.  Plain black shoelaces must be done up at all times. Sandals are only to be worn between the start of term four and King’s Birthday and must not be worn in Technology and Science classes. Sandals must be worn without socks or stockings. Sandals are not to be worn with long pants. Sandals will be worn in the correct manner including the back strap in its correct place. Shoes must be worn with either socks or stockings, not both.  Sandals to be worn with lavalava.


Uniform Requirements 

Year 13


All students may choose any options appropriate to their year level.  

  • Blouse
    Regulation plain crisp white long sleeved blouse.                       
  • Shirt
    Regulation crisp long sleeved white shirt.                           
  • Jersey
    Regulation navy with teal wool, machine washable V-necked with college monogram. Jerseys must be worn correctly and not around the waist or shoulders.                         
  • Blazer
    Regulation teal college blazer. This is an optional item but must be worn as part of the dress uniform for any student when representing the College at an official event or function. This can be hired from the Uniform Shop. 
  • School Jacket
    Regulation navy with teal shower-proof jacket with college monogram or softshell shower-proof jacket.       
  • Scarves
    Only regulation navy with teal scarf.                     
  • Tie
    Dress only: Regulation teal and grey basket weave with monogram.                                
  • Headwear
    Either regulation navy cap with Glendowie College monogram OR regulation navy bucket hat with Glendowie College monogram. Caps/hats must not be worn inside the classroom, or assembly hall. Caps must be worn with peak forward. No other coloured cap/hat is permitted.  Regulation beanie.              


Either uniform skirts or shorts or long pants or lavalava may be worn.

  • Skirts
    Regulation plain poly/wool navy skirt, ready-made pleated style, the length is no shorter than the top of the knee.                          
  • Long Skirt
    Optional regulation poly/wool long straight navy skirt.
  • Shorts
    Regulation poly/cotton drill of an acceptable length.                        
  • Long Pants
    Regulation poly/wool navy pants. Leg length to be worn above the heel of shoe.              
  • Lavalava
    Regulation poly/cotton lavalava with college monogram.                
  • Belt
    Regulation black leather with plain buckle.                            
  • Socks
    Only regulation Columbine ankle length navy cotton blend without coloured bands with the skirts. Regulation Columbine navy wool/nylon blend with teal band at top to be worn with shorts.
  • Stockings
    Black opaque or flesh-coloured stockings only to be worn with the regulation skirt, long skirt or long pants. Socks are not to be worn with stockings.                 
  • Footwear
    Regulation footwear as listed. Shoes must be formal, black, leather, sturdy, lace-up, polishable shoes. No slip-ons, Chuck Taylors, canvas shoes or flats are to be worn.  Nike Air Force 1 FE shoes are not acceptable.  Plain black shoe laces must be done up at all times. Sandals are only to be worn between the start of term four and King’s Birthday and must not be worn in Science or Technology classes. Sandals must be worn without socks. Sandals are not to be worn with long pants. Sandals will be worn in the correct manner including the back strap in its correct place. Shoes must be worn with either socks or stockings, not both.  Sandals to be worn with lavalava.                


Physical Education Uniform

Students must wear a separate PE uniform to their PE classes.

  • Shorts
    Regulation navy shorts.
  • Top
    Regulation house shirt.
    Year 11, 12 & 13 only:  senior navy/white P.E. short-sleeved top.
Please note:
NEW in 2023, House PE tops will be sold at the Uniform Shop. These will be compulsory for all Year 9 students. They will be worn for PE lessons, Year 9 camp and House competitions throughout the year. These will not be available for any other year levels to purchase.



Sports Uniforms

Details for each sports code will be available from team coaches as at the beginning of each sports season.  All students representing the College are required to be dressed correctly in the full uniform of the team, otherwise they may not participate.  The sports uniform is sold from the School Uniform Shop.

The following sports codes require a regulation navy and teal sleeveless top:

  • Basketball
  • Netball
  • Volleyball
  • Touch Rugby.

The following sports codes require a regulation navy and teal short sleeved top:

  • Soccer
  • Hockey
  • Cricket (Girls)
  • Cricket (Boys, not Premier team).

The following codes require regulation navy togs:

  • Underwater Hockey
  • Water Polo.


General Sports Clothing

As well as specific sports uniforms, students may also wear the following uniform items to sports events:

  • Beanie
    Regulation navy/teal wool beanie may only be worn at sporting events, and may not be worn with the regulations school uniform.
  • Hoodie
    Sports specific hoodies may only be worn at sporting events, and may not be worn with the regulation school uniform or during school.
  • Caps
    Regulation navy cap with Glendowie College monogram may be worn at sports activities and sports events. Caps must be worn with peak forward.
  • Socks
    Regulation navy and teal sports socks. These are required for Soccer, Hockey and Rugby.
  • Code Training Uniforms
    Only to be worn at practices and sporting events and may not be worn as regulation school or P.E. uniform.


Dress Uniform

The dress uniform (sometimes referred to as 'Number Ones') is used by students for formal events and by some senior sports teams (e.g. 1st XI Football).  Prefects will often be required to wear a dress uniform such as when they are presenting at assembly or representing the college.

Students may buy the uniform.  Alternatively the college keeps a supply of dress uniforms to loan students for one-off events. 

  • Blouse
    Regulation crisp white long sleeved blouse.   
  • Skirt
    Regulation poly/wool long straight navy skirt OR short pleated style navy skirt, the length is no shorter than the top of the knee.                          
  • Shirt
    Regulation white long sleeved shirt.                    
  • Tie
     Regulation teal and grey basket weave with monogram.                             
  • Blazer
    Regulation teal college blazer with monogram.                       
  • Long Trousers
    Regulation navy/wool long trousers with regulation belt. Trousers will be worn at waist level. Leg length not to be worn above heel of shoe.      
  • Belt
    Regulation black leather belt, with plain buckle.                             
  • Shoes
    Must be worn with the dress uniform. Regulation footwear as listed. Sandals are not to be worn with dress uniform. Shoes must be worn with socks or stockings. Shoe laces must be done up at all times.                          


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